
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Naar ô Ney... *

The pomegranate I bought today comes all the way from Iran. I stared at the address on the big pack in the supermarket for some while, several times taking a glance at the price tag saying exclusively that the exotic delicacy came from Itan... The box had the address written on it and said Shariati Ave. which made me smile bitterly. That is like the second longest street in Tehran, you know?One from the central parts up high to the mountains of the north. Truth be told, I traveled all along this 'Avenue' only once, it took hours and felt like ages, when I finally arrived in the north.
The one pomegranate in the fruit basket on our table has been stuck in the same traffic jam, making its way to the same airport, so it has had almost the same trip, which brought me to this home of mine... 
No wonder why pomegranates symbolize passion, love, longing and yearning in Persian literature and poetry; the longer I smell and stare at the shiny red fruit, the more it feels natural to me. 
There is one fruit on our table now, which looks just like fine poetry...
*The title means 'The Pomegranate and the Flute', it is also the name of a film. Ney is famous for its melancholic music and it is said that since the Phragmites, from which Ney is made, has been cut off and taken away from its home, the instrument keeps singing songs of separation and yearning.


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