
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

the sea witch - part II

What should I say from all those days? For I was far too lost to have had any real records of what was going on around me. But since I was absolute that Nickel and Jacques-Yves were mortals – which was really hard to conclude on Jacques-Yves, considering the fact that he was a dead man's son – I could still deduct that it must not have lasted that long, to have left both lovebirds enough time to marry after my adventures around the world.
I followed her to Russia, where I saw her – in reality or dream I wonder – for the last time. It was there I found the key to her location, I had to head to Brazil, which in my case meant that Jacques-Yves and Nickel had no other choice but to get me there.
There she was, this time it was no hallucination, Nina was really in Brazil. In which city I finally reunited with her, with whom I had to make what kind of deal to get her, why she spoke so rarely or why and how she had ended up there, none even got to my mind by the time, for I was twice cursed.
On one hand I was doomed with Nina, sharing her curse, her planned destiny with me, as we have shared us with one another and on the other hand I was damned for my long lasting efforts to forget Nina, who had trusted me with a part of her.
We were finally together, which seemed logically impossible, because none of us was there, where the body seemed to be. I assume we must have got married and have lived a while together, I remember Warner's scared look at me and Nina's kind words to him; I remember Jacques-Yves and Nickel visiting us once in a while; I remember Jacques-Yves keeping talking to me; I remember Nickel being pregnant; I remember Warner going to school. But I can not remember anything of our life. I can not remember one single meal I had eaten or my parents' faces for they should have had changed over those years.
Next thing in my vague memory: we changed location, we lived in water, but there was some kind of strong band, we could never move much. Plus, I did not see Jacques-Yves and Nickel anymore; later I found out we had died without leaving any trace behind, in the papers they wrote that the Hollywood star had been killed due to snake sting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally the long desired 2nd part!
is it a trilogy?

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Einhornin said...

may i ask you anonymous, about who you are?
p.s. thanks for the comment, glad you liked it.

10:16 PM  

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