
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Das Schöne an Taschentücher ist es, dass wir alle als Zwillinge zur Welt kommen. Also, nur sehr selten im Leben bleiben wir wirklich allein. Für manche Taschentücher ist es doch einrichtiges Missglück, denn sie können sich gar nicht richtig mit ihren Zwilinger zurecht finden und wünschen sich verzweifelt, dass ein Mensch eines Tages sie von einander trennt. Bei uns jedoch ist es glücklicherweise nicht der Fall.
Das Gute an uns Taschentücher ist es aber, dass es uns sehr selten was weh tut, sogar wenn man uns verbrennt.
Es wird sehr oft gedacht, dass Tschentücher ein ziemlich kurzes, einfaches, langweiliges Leben haben, was aber gar nicht stimmt.
Naja, heutzutage gibt es zwar alle Sortn von bunten, gemusterten und darauf gemalten Tschentücher, aber wir Zwei sind immer besonders stolz darauf gewesen, ganz normale, quadratformige, weiße, sanfte Tschentücher zu sein.
Zum ersten mal wurden wir in einem Viersternenrestaurant aus der Packung herausgenommen. Der Mann, der der Kellner sein mochte, stellte uns sauber und vorsichtig auf die Tische; jede fünf Zwilinge zusammen auf einen, aber nicht alle auf einander, wie wir daran gewöhnt waren. Für viele Tschentücher ist so ein Restaurant das Ende, aber nicht für uns zwei.
Ich erinnere mich immer noch ganz klar daran, wie wir beide äußerst gespannt waren, als der Gast am Tisch uns zum Mund nahm. Aber plötzlich änderte er seine Meinung, ließ er uns in seiner Tasche und griff nach seinem klingenden Handy.
Eine Weile blieben wir doch da, bis er nach ein paar Tagen uns davon herausnahm, um uns einer schöngekleideten, selbstbewusstscheinenden Frau zu geben, die wunderschöne Tränen in den Augen hatte. Dieses mal freuten wir uns riesig, weil es für Taschentücher am schönsten ist, Tränen zu trocknen und darum verbraucht zu werden.
Als die Frau uns sah, lächelte sie herrlich und sagte mit ihrer selbstbewussten Stimme: „Aber dies ist noch zu weiß, ich kann nicht einfach so wegwerfen.“
Sie nahm uns trotzdem mit und tat uns in ihrer Brieftasche rein. Jedes mal als sie die Brieftasche aufmachte, dachten wir gespannt, dass es endlich unsere Zeit gekommen war, bis es einen Tag die Zeit kam, aber nicht wie wir uns vorgestellt hatten. Sie nahm uns ziemlich hektisch aus, schrieb etwas mit ihrem blauen Kugelschreiber auf meinem Zwiling, gab uns einer anderen Frau und lief weg.
Die zweite Frau trug uns unterwegs ganz vorsichtig inder Hand und hatte Angst davor, dass wir von ihrem Schweiß nass werden. In ihrem Büro legte sie uns an ihren Tisch. Nun wurde mein Zwilinger etwa wichtiger als ich. Manchmal beneidete ich es, besonders wenn sie mehrmals auf ihm notierte.
Das Klima in ihrem Büro fanden wir jedoch beide interessant. Nur an einem einzigen Tag sahen wir viele unterschiedliche Leute reinkommen und wieder weggehen; gestresst, hektisch, nervös, zörnig, verzweifelt und froh, aber meisten dumm!
Einen Tag am Telefon bemerkte sie, dass ich endlich daran war! Es wurde endlich auch auf mir geschrieben! Aber nur paar Stunden danach kam noch ein dummer Mensch in das Büro rein und als er mit ihr sprach, fiel seine heiße Zigarettenasche auf uns. Die frau begann, ihn heftig zu beschimpfen und warf ihn mit einem Tritt in dem Hinten raus. Wir haben tagelang einander alles detailliert erzählt, wie geschickt sie das geschfft hatte. Wir schwiegen erst, als wir bemerkten, dass wir wieder bei der ersten Frau zu Hause waren. Wir wünschten aber zurück zu der Anderen, als sie wahrscheinlich mehrere Männer zusammenschlug.
Einen Tag nahm sie uns weinend. Wir dachten sofort, dass es endlich Zeit war und schrien beide fröhlich: „Tränen, seid für uns bereit!“
Aber sie hat uns einfach in ihre Manteltasche geworfen. Kurz danach waren wir vor dem ersten Mann, den wir im Restaurant kennengelernt haben. Da erfuhren wir, wie dir erste Frau auch besser als die Zweite beschimpfen konnte. Wir schrien beide gespannt: „Schalg ihn! Trette ihn!“ Aber anscheinend war diese Phase des Prozesses ihr gar nicht bewusst, denn sie gab ihm nicht mal eine Ohrfeige.
Stattdessen gab sie uns einfach dem Mann und sagte: „Dein Taschentuch ist nun total schmutzig, wie du selbst. Nun kann ich ruhig euch beide wegwerfen und mir einen neuen, ehrlichen Anwalt suchen, genau wie saubere Taschentücher!“
Als sie wegging dachten wir, vielleicht wurde er doch weinen oder die Nase putzen oder etwas anderes mit uns anfangen, aber er warf uns einfach in den ersten Mülleimer!
Kein Wunder, dass er kein guter Anwalt war. Er wusste nicht mal, dass man ein Taschentuch nicht einfach wegwerfen darf, bevor es richtig verbraucht worden ist.

Friday, August 11, 2006

bigger brother

There have always been rumors, that the crazy Geud had been with Milard, the music goddess, in his youth, though everyone meant it as a joke, for Geud was crazy and yet the greatest composer of the time.
There have also been tales from time to time about duels of Eugenie, Geud's wife, and Millard. The crazy Geud had always been such a heartbreaker that it was no wonder to know he had even turned the goddess down. In fact, everyone wondered what kept Eugenie with him after all these years. The answer was simple, after the troubles they both made; the judge had condemned them to stay together for the rest of their lives.
The only person who was of extreme importance to Geud and for whom he'd sacrificed anything, was his daughter Honey.

Millard knew how to aim this, but she had underestimated hazard.
What no one knew, including Geud, was the birth of the two sons Millard had from her time with Geud and... well, you know how gods' feelings are for their siblings, especially if they are half siblings.
The first son had been given no name, for Millard strongly believed he should be named by his father. In fact, Millard did not like him much and believed it was after his birth that Geud started to lose his temper. In revenge, Millard tried to ignore the existence of her older son as an individual. That was why he knew everything and was trusted with every little secret of his mothers. He was no half god and had taken much after Geud, but at the same time been gifted to be able to change his looks whenever he wanted.
The second one, Liew, 4 years younger, was a blessing to Millard. She adored the little kid and planned great future for him. Shortly after his birth she moved out with her sons to where no one knew and started living like mortals, so the little Liew never suspected his mom to be a goddess and his brother, a god. He did not even know who his father was and due to his hatred for the man who had left his mother, his brother and him, he never showed any interest.
This was one of the secrets big brother had been told and he never felt any negative notion for the father. In fact, he even thought the crazy Geud was much better off with Eugenie and this was to everyone's interest.
Liew grew up gifted with music from his mother while no one ever knew what his big brother was up to, to Millard's favor, he always remained a shadow.
Liew happened to be a big fan of Geud's as a composer, which was nothing unexpected from any young musician of the time. At the age of 19, he left home, seeking Geud's lessons. It was impossible that the great maestro could turn such a talented student down and finally, he got what he deserved, so he had to stay far away from home.
The big brother, knowing how rejective Liew was in general, nevr liking bigger half of the world, decided that Liew was not to be left completely on his own.
Milard warned him that Geud should not find out anything about his having sons. She had already convinced Liew that his brother had accidentally killed a politician at the age of 14 and that Interpol was after him, so for his own sake, they were not to mention that their family had a third member. And he looked like Geud, just because with his own face, he was to be easily recognized.
So the visits he paid Liew remained secret and big brother went out with Liew's face, not to draw any attention. It was just too easy till after one year he got to know Honey in the woods and after another year, they started dating each other in the woods, Honey always thinking it was Liew, her father's student. So after a while, she started dating the real Liew, who never suspected Honey was actually in love with someone else.
What none of the three knew was that Millard had planned on Liew's affair with Honey to get even with the crazy Geud.
Soon Honey decided to go visit Liew's mother, for they had planed their future. Liew and Honey went to Millard's, lacking the slightest suspection that their pasts might have anything to do with each other.
Millard warmly welcomed the lovebirds but shortly after their arrival he warned Geud that either he'd be to Millard's desire or he'd never see his beloved daughter anymore.
Eugenie thought it was time she taught Millard a lesson and challenged her, so Nusha; a family friend revealed to her that she herself was also a goddess.
She won and Millard promised she'd never mess up with Geud's life again. That was how Liew and Honey found out about Liew's father and who Millard really was.
Millard finally told Liew that he was immortal and warned him that it was only her sword which could kill her sons.Yet she did not tell him where to find the sword. The only secret untold remained that Honey was actually living with two men.
Liew had just faced the dilemma whether he admired Geud as an idol or hated him as a father when Honey announced she was pregnant, not having a clue how the idea of having a child of his own terrified the real Liew.
Liew was so irritated that he immediately left. The night the child was born, he came back telling Honey she must have been dating someone else for he'd never commit such thing. He explained how dangerous it was that someone else should have taken advantage of Honey, keeping the identity of his suspect secret, for he was not absolute yet. So they would pretend Liew had left Honey for good in order to catch the fake Liew.
But big brother knew Liew and his dark world better than anyone else. He went to Honey telling her he wanted to hide in the house to surprise the fake one, but he had also taken Millard's sword to threaten Liew in case he decided to kill him.
Liew, having seen him enter the house went inside looking for him. As both brothers got into a sword fight, Honey started singing as to curse the fake Liew, her singing made him suffer so bad, that he closed his eyes and throw the sword away, ignoring Liew's position and when he reopened his eyes to Honey's screaming, it was already too late for any help.
All Millard wanted, was to teach Geud a tough lesson and now, as she entered the living room, all the grief was hers, whose dearest son was killed by the one who had always been so undesired by the mother, she had even refused to give him a name.

They say you should never play with the gods.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

to my dearest judge

To my son Michael, “the Judge”

I would like to think; that you must have already gave it a thought, why your mother might have left you a letter before her death.
My dear, what I really want you to learn is never to be ashamed of yourself or your desires. Never let anyone look down on you and make you fell they have the right to.
I am glad Marty was wise enough to look beyond his fear and see the wisdom of yours which made a perfect judge out of you.
Life is much more complicated than what you have already seen of it. Just because life has to go on under any circumstances, it does not mean that life gets no time to change faces. It is not your biggest lifetime embarrassment if you need someone while you truly love someone else. Do not try to speak yourself into denying this love.
That is what happened with me.
First I did not know which one I loved and which I needed, so I decided it to be the easier way, I loved Kevin and needed Titanium. This assumption seemed to be no more working out as I had to take you away from Kevin and hide you in my own land. I started to think why I had to hide you from your father, what made me so scared of him curing you his long traditioned way. It was the first time I had separated from Kevin in something which was ours. It was frighteningly the right decision.
It was shortly before my death that I recognized the truth. As Titanium told the four of you the secret of your birth, I got mad at him, I wanted to destroy all what could reflect me at the moment. That was why I left the house the way I did.
What he really demonstrated was my need for Kevin; that I was still trapped in the web Kevin had weaved for me decades ago; that no matter how he treated or mistreated me; I was unable to walk away from him. I felt like a slave. Like I was obliged to be the way Kevin liked me best for all theses years. And every few years Titanium would stand up to him, winning me a little break, what I was unbelievably unable to manage myself.
As I found out it had been Titanium I loved and Kevin I needed, I did this time make the wise decision: I left him without depending on his decision or waiting for him to reply, react or discuss.
Still I could have left on my own, for it was not Titanium I needed. But at those very short moments I refound the Tyrann I loved in those blue eyes.
Hereby you will be the only one to whom I reveal this secret.
It was before our departure that he finally gave in and admitted he was not the devil. What I had already known since long but did not dare to speak for I feared Kevin and Catherine. Why do they call Tyranns by this name? Beacause one potential grand archer Tyrann could play the devil to please a godess, and hell he plays it well!
Titanium never learnt anything of music or archery, but if he had, everyone would have recognized immediately what he really was. As to me, as “die Heilige” -if I should still dare carry this title- I recognized pretty soon what he was. My young intimate relation with him just proved it to me. Something he know from his instinct but Kevin never learned for I did not tell him; I wonder if Titanium ever asked himself why we never needed preservations. Maybe he also knew but kept it quiet.
That’s why Geud worshipped him, he saw much of himself in Titanium: a grand archer doing his best, taking extreme measures to please a goddess! That’s how grand archers are anyway: no moral, but always loyal.
One last lesson I learned the hard way: you should never expect moral from immortals, because they just live under another logic, another moral. Mostly it’s their right to hurt you or to play with you, it’s only you who fails to understand why.

I could only wish you happy days, my dearest.
Never underestimate yourself.

Farewell son,
Your mom