
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I'm back at short German stories... hmmm macht mir Spa?. I'm sure I would have at least one by the end of the hollidays for my teacher to korrect.
I'm feeling strange these days. everyday I come up with a new Idea of how to revolve my life. I desprately need help.
I want to leave these borders.

Monday, March 28, 2005

das Einhorn

Das Einhorn war nochmal da. Es wollte sich noch einmal überlegen aber es hatte schon alles mehrmals wiederholt. Ihm stand die ganze Welt gegenüber. Das Einhorn hatte schon zu lange gewartet, hatte tausendmal darüber nachgedacht, hatte sich die kommende Katastrophe präzise vorgestellt, hatte seine Augen schließen müssen und sofort wieder geöffnet.
Es hatte Angst, schlimmer als sonst. Seine verwundeten Flügel hatte es seit langem nicht mehr benutzt. Das Einhorn wollte diese Verwundungen gerne lecken aber im Moment gab stand ihm die Zeit dafür nicht zur Verfügung.
Mit seinem lauten Geschrei fing es an zu fliegen. Jetzt hatte es auch große Angst, mit diesen Flügeln in der Höhe zu schweben.
Es schrie noch lauter, schloss seine Augen und flog schneller, was ihm noch mehr erschrak. Größere Angst, lauteres Geschrei, schmerzvollerer und schnellerer Flug! Den Zyklus wiederholte das Einhorn wie besessen, bis es am Ende sich die Seele aus dem Leib schrie und rasend durch den Himmel flog.
So lächelte das Einhorn. Es hatte große Durst und war erschöpft, so ausgeschöpft, dass es weder Angst noch Schmerzen mehr zu empfinden in der Lage war. 

just getting in!

well I am just getting familiar with this thing called weblog.
but it still keeps me wondering how people might ever find you and get to your words. but nah, I don't think I am to lose anything on this. oder?
well let's try it out...
for today I'd like a song... I do not wanna start writing myself so soon...

I'm someone who
Loves her enough
To walk away from you
I'd never cheat
And I would never lie
In another's eyes

In anothers' eyes
I could do no wrong
And he believes in me
And his faith is strong
I'd never fall
Or even compromise
In another's eyes

In another's eyes
I'm afraid that I can't see
This picture perfect portrait
That they paint of me
They don't realize
And I pray that they never do
'Cause everytime I look
I'm seein' you
In another's eyes

In another's eyes
Starin' back at me
Tryin' desperately
To turn the tide
Before it dies
In another's eyes
And what they don't see
Is killing me
It's a blessing and a curse
That love is blind
'Cause in another's eyes
I'm afraid that I can't see
This picture perfect portrait
That they paint of me
They don't realize
And I pray to god they never do
'Cause every time I look
I'm seein' you
In another's eyes

as you see I am still trying it out in English.

Friday, March 25, 2005


well I'm there, I actually signed up to leave a comment but i don't think it would such a big deal trying this weblog stuff out.
i decided to start with a more common language. maybe cuz english keyboard is the easiest for me to use, even easier than that of my own language. I'm not so specifically excited about the fact, i might change my mind in the upcoming days though.
je suis la, me voila,...