
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nothing but to count

I don't know why it speeds such,
my heart.
I still fail to understand what it desires to approach.
I feel every time, how eager it beats,
as if it is about to jump out of my chest every second.
But what for? What is it after? 
What does this hasty heart wish for?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some piece of News

During the past week I started a new novel in about 10 years and so it might prevent me from posting here as often as I desire, esp. with the exams coming up and my new part time at the AIP

As a treat and maybe some compensation ;), here are my first words:
"One moment there were various sorts of nasty feelings sucking all her insides into a burning void and the next she realized a physical pain unlike any she might have known before. Her body was definitely receiving whole new signals or at least had developed a new system of interpretation; a crazy roller coaster ride for her nervous system and definitely not the exciting livelihood kind, but the throwing up, ending up in the emergency room somewhere in an unpleasant clinic type."


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Off Limits

Such sin it was, every bit my lips tasted
Eternally forbidden to know the joys
And yet so eager to feel every ounce of the notion
I hungered for it so much
That I could even taste it through my lips
Long before my tongue finally came in touch with it
It was not pleasure, I was craving for it
As if my life... no, my existence depended on it
Sin or crime, blasphemy or simply rudeness, 
I know no more, I care no more
For I carry the sense with me now
I have felt them, kissed and tasted them
I have not sipped but drank them whole
I crossed borders that were not to be approached by mortals
For mortal I am indeed, of my own choice
That the "narrow and brutal path" may never scare me
And so I took it all on me

And my punishment, for merrily dreaming
That I shall not forget 
And above all not forget
That I can never have what I tasted, what I touched so dearly...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ein Jahr Grün

Ich sehe sie immer an solchen Tagen.
30 Jahre langer Versuch, kein Iraner zu sein;
alles Andere außer Iraner.
Und dann plötzlich, jetzt plötzlich versuchen sie,
die manche sogar ohne einen Iran aufgewachsen sind,
Iraner zu werden,
jetzt wollen sie es,
weil Iranersein plötzlich eine andere Bedeutung hat.
Jetzt heißt es anders,
wenn unsere grüne Erscheinung sich auffällig macht.
Jetzt wollen sie Persisch können,
wollen sie es verstehen,
die Farben dieses traurigen Landes.

Ihr Anschein ist es, der die Frage in meinem Kopf unterstricht:
"Was heißt es eigentlich?"
Ich weiß es immer weniger,
den Sinn, die Bedeutung hinter meinem Pass.
Es gibt so viele Verknüpfungen,
die mich am Ende nur fesseln
und dann irre ich nur hilflos umher.

Es mag vieles heißen,
es kann vieles bedeuten,
dazu gehören auch bestimmt ganz viele Farben;
aber Iranersein heißt vor allem,
an solchen Tagen ein Stück eigenen Herzens aufzugeben,
es sich loszureißen zu fühlen,
dieses aufgerissene, blutende, schmerzende Herz dann
in der Brust zu tragen.
Es heißt vielleicht dann,
Stimmen aufzuheben,
die sich nicht einig sind
und die bestimmt nicht einig werden,
die aber alle einen verstummten Schmerzschrei kennen,
die alle schon mal eine Liebe verloren haben;
Stimmen, die sich mal in der absoluten Stille
von einem Geliebten trennen mussten.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


I could not help but notice that I write here mostly stuff on my mind because of Iran and in my Persian blog mostly concerning Germany!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Unnamed Impressions

A blast;
and two eyes trying to take in as much surprise 
as a pair of eyes ever can.
Did I swear to find back your happiness? 
For there is so little I can remember. 
I recall however, 
your mad attempts to venture 
what was long diverted. 
You were drowning in your own rage 
and my eyes could not but to stare in amazement. 
Up to the very moment – I swear – 
I did not even know that I could startle. 
It was the most silent storm I ever heard approach.
I never realized the scent of blood, 
of freshly spilled congealing blood, 
to be so distinct in the blowing wind; 
not up to that very moment. 
It felt as if someone was challenging
my senses. 
I saw things I did not realize anymore, 
I heard what I never wanted to hear, 
I felt notions far beyond my imagination. 
Maybe this was weakness, desperation 
or could have been pain. 
It burnt its way 
deep down inside me, 
a trail
not to be wiped off my existence.