
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Forest Music*

Kevin dear, your piano is left all alone
and the whole forest is waiting on you in silence.
We all need your stories and your endless passion.
We miss your way of being a human,
no more and no less.
A human with all silly mistakes and confused feelings
with a marred soul from grief and pain
purified through compassion and curiosity,
searching the world with open eyes,
glowing in excitement and bright with dreams.
The wind is trying to tell your story,
rustling through leaves and branches.
Yet the words flee and the melody fades.
Kevin dear, everyone is looking at the empty seat.
Come back, your story is not finished yet,
the piano is yearning for the caress of your fingers
and so does the wind that tussles through these trees. 

*original title of the photo, of which I own no copyrights 

Monday, June 18, 2012


It's not because we are carefree and all is well
but because of all the wrong in the human world
that we have to keep the smile on our faces.
Those who have stolen our love, our freedom
and benefit from our forsaken dreams
fear nothing as much as our laughter;
those who have been chasing our happiness away
hoping that our will and our thrive should one day die out
frown and swear in anger as we laugh louder.
So hear us out
for we will go on, even if all we can is one more step,
we are still here, breathing, laughing, dreaming, living;
with dreams we would not give up
a life, legitimately ours by all laws of nature
breathing the same air as you do
and feeling the happiness which has always been ours.
All the pain and suffering you bring upon us
and all the anger and frustration
would not suffice to take these away from us.
So hear our laughter and fear our dreams.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Extract V - Pear Wine

Care for some?”, he asked as she sat down next to him. He had been sitting quietly by the fire and was having a drink of what she believed to be a sort of wine; all by himself. “What is it?” she asked while looking out for a clay mug. Pouring some in the one which she was now holding out to him, he answered, “Some pear wine... but you have to taste it for yourself. There is no way anyone could really tell you what it is that you'd be drinking. They can merely try to express what they know about it or their impression after drinking.”
Before taking a sip she stared into his brown eyes for a while. He just sat there in silence and looked back, as though he were letting her read him or rather challenge her to decipher as much as she could. Then she turned her attention to the drink and carefully tipped her tongue in the fluid. Then she took a sip, kept it in her mouth for an instant and shortly soaked her tongue in it before swallowing down her throat. Now that she knew exactly what the wine was to her and how it tasted she could drink normally.
How do you do that?” she asked him and without making him ask for specifics, she explained “It's as though you'd know each time what people are looking for, you always have answers cut to fit the questioner. How do you do that?” He shrugged as they toasted with the wine. “It was written all over your face that you're giving it too much of a thought, what each and every little thing is to you.”

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Extract IV - Magick

  • So you are saying that I am bewitched now?
  • Why, is it a bad thing to be? … I mean, where you come from.
  • A lot of people believe it is but what's done the greatest damage so far has been the belief in witchcraft, both by people who feared or despised it as well as by those who urged it or believed to practice it.
  • So you are saying that wrong takes and destructive abuse of something would make the thing itself wrong and destructive?
  • I do not have such opinion of magic since it is non existent to me. I do not believe cards can tell the future, no more can potions change how people feel and react. I do not take “being jinxed” as a legitimate excuse for ditching responsibility. I can not accept the relative position of some gas balls and rocks in space to tell what kind of a person is being born on a planet and even much less can I justify burning people at stake for having supposedly made a pact with an imaginary Satan.
  • But you believe reasonable assumptions and complicated calculations can help make a reliable simulation of the most probable future, you can understand how drugs of all sorts could have various effects on the body as well as the mind, you do believe that some people let themselves be manipulated by another due to either ignorance or sick obsession, you can very well accept the fact that the environment has an undeniable influence on how people turn out and you seem alright with the idea of psychological disorders leading to people doing things that a sane mind would never dream of.
    Besides, people in such a state gain abilities we might not dream of, since the disorder manages to take benefit of their mental capacity the way a healthy mind can not afford so easily. You believe in all that, don't you?
  • Yes, they are sensible explanation for phenomena, achieved through neutral keen observations and logically conceptualized experiments and studies.
  • So think of magic as some alternative source of energy, knowledge etc. which people can wield or witness in motion without being able to explain. You'd be surprised to find out how much of all which sounds reasonably explicable to you is called magic by people.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wise man came and told him to follow the stars.


There are times, when one wants to be alone and there are times when ones does not want to be left on their own;
times when people would even almost lock themselves up, in order to avoid others
and times when they would give almost anything to have someone by their side, someone who might just sit there and mind themselves.
I have been alone most of the times I wanted solitude
and I have been alone most of the times I did not want to.
Makes me wonder if it is only me or if the human world is a lonely one.