Not really far away and not that long ago, once there was a place for all the forgotten stories. They would all gather there and try to keep each other company. There were all kinds of stories: myths, legends, fairy tales, epic, drama, tragedy, horror, history, finished and unfinished stories etc. The stories spent so much time together and got so close that they started affecting each other. Some got mixed together making up new stories, some unfinished storied merged into other ones, some even tried to complete others. And so the stories were kept busy for a long time this way.
The stories were celebrating a huge party that night, all drinking, chatting, singing and dancing in joy, welcoming a few newly forgotten stories. Most of them had long forgotten the one thing missing until the sweet little good night story woke up in the middle of their celebration after 6 years of sleep. It was the story of a little white fairy story teller who visited one lonely child every night telling him of the sweetest good night stories ever, a story to accompany that child forever.
Looking at the lovely and cute but sad face of the little story, it stroke them like lightning: they had to be told or they would go extinct for good. Something was to be done. They had to find some great story teller, one possessing the required magical genes to make another 1001 nights, for the stories were so attached to one another by that time that they could not stand even the thought of being departed. Some science fiction stories with the help of some forgotten parts of human history were given the mission to find eligible candidates. Others were supposed to make a list of the stories and consider the possibility of new changes to make them more convenient for human minds to take. When the first preparations were done, the horrible results were released: they had grown so big in number over the centuries, had changed so much in complexity and varied so greatly in genre, that no human mind was able to take them all together!
There were some candidates though, candidates for up to twenty stories at a time, which of course meant the life span of the human.
The stories did not want to believe. There were different groups made in less than one month. Some had already given up all hope and were preparing for extinction, some were hoping for a rescuer from outside and started some rather bizarre rituals to summon one, some were doing their best to save the more vulnerable with inspiring the found candidates with these stories, some started finding new ways of manifestation; in story-language the act of revealing themselves to a story teller and inspiring them, some started programing advanced searches for new possible talents and tried to contact the not-yet-forgotten and even popular stories to let them know of their existence and to seek their help and the last group...
Well the last group had six great leaders: two myths, two forgotten fragments of human history, a science fiction and a children's tale. They had been best friends since long and having supported each other even a little while before being completely forgotten made the bond among them even stronger. They claimed that the one and only way to save the stories was for them to scatter all over the human world and to... well to take place. If they managed this within short time, the simultaneity would cause such magnificence that for the millennia to come none would really have to worry about being forgotten.
All the search parties opposed them, for every one knew the consequence of so many stories of all kind happening all of a sudden in the world. They convinced them to give humans another chance. Since these wondrous stories are not evil after all, they agreed on a deadline, they would even help with all the researches until that day, yet leaving themselves enough time to develop their plan. As time goes by and as humans move on with daily life becoming more and more consumers of the stories, forgetting the art of story telling more every day, the last party of the forgotten stories gains more and more members and grows stronger, getting even more popular among new forgotten stories.
This is my warning, hereby I plead to all writers and story tellers, wake up in the night and listen! You might hear some stories trying to reveal themselves to you, you might even hear them crawling next to your bed. Even if you are dreaming, be cautious and remember kee your dreams in mind! Right them down and do not forget! If you believe you have an idea for a new story but no time to write or to develop the idea, be aware that there is nothing more important than you bringing this story into life!
If you believe this is no serious matter, just try to imagine what would happen if all the forgotten ancient gods walked the face of our earth again, if aliens attacked us from outer space, if some horrible mysteries of our history were repeated or if a magician came and cursed our children to follow him to hell!
I beg of you, for only the ink of your pen is to save human kind this time.