
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Touching the Unicorns

Everyone has heard of them, everyone at least believes to know how they look like and where they are most likely to be spotted and all who have ever heard of them also know the catch:

Most people may never even come close to one, let alone touch a unicorn.

Unicorns can easily come close to people; can reach to most with no significant effort, since it is their nature to care and to heal, mostly neutralizing poisons sickening the soul. Yet, they do not feel safe being touched by people, why a great number of them choose another form to appear to mankind - that of a horse or of a maiden being specifically popular, in order to keep all inevitable human touches on the surface, on the outer layer, over their “disguise“.

Contrary to the common belief, unicorns possess no weakness for virgin maidens, meaning neither all virgin maids may even approach a unicorn nor are those who can solely to be found amongst them, the rumour might as well reflect the common belief of ‘innocence’ of virgin maidens.

In fact, something else is required to touch a unicorn. 

Only those who have kept some level of the innocence of their first years of life, those who still see the world with eyes open to wonders, to beauty and open to miracles, those who have kept their inner child alive, active and healthy, those who are still curious to learn and to embrace life with great passion, only they can approach a unicorn; but even all that has not proven sufficient to touch it.

What does is actually unknown even to the unicorns. One intriguing soul might befriend a unicorn for years, get as close as can be and yet never be allowed to lay a finger on the magical creature whilst another crosses paths with it simply passing by, suddenly comes closer with no hesitation and touches, pats or even caresses it as if it were the most natural thing in the whole world to do. Some support the hypothesis of such people being guardians of the unicorns or of all magical beings but even this goes no further than remaining a hypothetical consideration for not all potential guardians meet their destiny, at least not consciously. 

What happens is that the (chosen) one sees the unicorn - not even needing to know what it really is - and feels like approaching the being, he feels the attraction, the warmth of it presence, feels safe, at ease, feels the unicorn's attention and appreciates the friendly reception he receives. He then touches the unicorn with no hesitation, without the question of permission even appearing to his mind. He does it, because it just feels natural to him and right to do, because above all it just feels good.
The unicorn for its share sees “the one” already from a longer distance and suddenly feels the longing for this particular person by its side, wishes to be seen by him without any disguise, counts every single step he takes while pacing its direction and when he finally stands there right next to the unicorn, it feels a lot safer all of a sudden - thus the guardian hypothesis. It can even feel his fingertips before any actual physical contact is made, wishes that nothing should stop those fingers on their way, wishes for them not to hesitate, wishes that nothing would change his mind. Should thousand people stand watching, this will nevertheless remain a private moment for the two of them; a moment they will always cherish, even if they do not know why; a moment that always ends too soon for them, even if they do not realize what made it so memorable and unique.

What some people simply ‘can’ and do has been a question for long and there has been no explanation yet, no real answers.

This article is strictly non fiction and dedicated to the magnificient human, whom I witnessed touch and even heal a unicorn and who also appears to be the mightiest Guradian I could have ever imagined walking the earth. We will definitely talk about this one day, my dear friend, maybe when the four of us take that walk...
Nähdään, minun ystäväni!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Nichts durchdenken;
Einmal rufen;
Zweimal anlächeln;
Dreimal zuwinken;
Viermal im Schlaf wälzen und kein Auge zu machen;
Fünfmal laut singen;
Sechsmal hastig zum Bus rennen, obwohl man Zeit hat;
Siebenmal etwas im Schaufenster anstarren, was man selber nicht will;
Achtmal zu dem Telefon greifen;
Neunmal mit einem klaren Blick hinschauen;
Unendlich fest umarmen,
Und vergessen, dass die Algebra der Freundschaft
Längst zur Logik widersprüchlich geworden ist.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Keyboard does my fingers no good, I need paper, lot's of paper... the monitor just blocks my words, steals my thoughts from me...