Dreamers' Handbook
The fear of suddenly realizing, that dreams are coming true;
The feelings of guilt to have neglected them for so long,
To have been such a lousy dreamer,
To have left most dreams undone, unfinished;
Either too lazy or too ignorant to dream them away,
to dream them up to the end,
to dream them up to the end,
The horror of having forgotten so many dreams,
To have abandoned so many others...
And thus the wish, to have taken 'Dreaming' more seriously,
Knowing that dreams were to be fulfilled;
Then dreaming way more daringly than ever before,
Dreaming dreams no one else would ever dream of,
Creating a whole new world of dreams,
Where there are no more lies,
no illusions any more and no fakes,
no illusions any more and no fakes,
Only the biggest dreams kept safe in the depth of a beating heart.