Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
She stood up, this was maybe one of the last shot she was left with in facing him. She was bleeding and her brocken arm hurt like hell. His eyes poped out and the rusch of blood to his face obviously trippled his anger. How dared she still be up on her feet?
Although he was safe and sound and she was not much more than dead, it was the first time she felt powerful, the first time he was trembling with weekness. "I am out" she said, her word accompanied by the blood drops out of her mouth.
"Bitch!" he said. It was totally clear he had not much more to show up. "dare you step out, you shall never step back in my house, you, disgrace!"
She saw his hand rushing towards her and felt nothing more.
As she finally came to, it was a sudden rush of pain messages delivered from allover her body to the brain, from her brocken unfixed arm the worst.
It has been the same eversince she could remember, her father, her brothers, her ex-husband and now her second. She wondered if her son would do the same once he grows up. She could not change them, she knew it this time, she could already tell how he'd take her to the hospital in the evening, how he'd appologize to her tomarrow, buy her flowers maybe a little present on his way back from work, and promiss he'd never ever again commit such an unfair act against her.
It was all the same old story. She could not fall for the same tricks again. she had to leave, she had to get the better of him this time. She'd go to the police, then to the hospital, and next to a social worker to find her some job, anything would be better than this.
She got off the bed, shouting from pain. She just did not want to give up. the door was locked "brilliant" she tought to herself. She was not to be stopped thid time. "Did they ever stop as they promissed?" she tried to motivate herself, "NO, THEY NEVER DID!" she cried out loudly to help the pain eased.
She opened the window and painfully laughed at how short minded he was. She put one leg out and safely placed it somewhere on the wall. Then she took a break to let the pain decrese a little and there the second leg, she carefully draged herself outof the window frame, it felt damned good to be out! The pain got her a little dizzy. She took grasp of the frame with force. She cried out with all what she was left as her broken arm was hit against the wall. A sudden unconscious reflection drag her away from the wall, too far away.
* * *
5 o'clock pm, as the police officer was checking the body filling up the forms before letting it go, he realized the face of the woman in the office the lady before whom he had told "The responsible for the department is not available today ma'am, see you tomarrow afternooon"
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I am dying of the summer heath here and yet I've caught cold!
this is just not faire!
I have so much longing for cold and yet I sould keep me warm!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It's hard to concentrate, because I am focusing on this very story, I need to finish it, but it does not seem to have the same needs as me!
I know the feelings, but getting to figure out the events causing these feelings, it is not as easy as it seems...
Maybe I am just too much an introvegant of a person.
I know the feelings, but getting to figure out the events causing these feelings, it is not as easy as it seems...
Maybe I am just too much an introvegant of a person.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
der Rockstar

Mein Sohn ist überall in der Stadt. Das kann ich kaum mehr aushalten und ich habe nicht die leiseste Ahnung, wie meine Frau das schafft. Ich kann nicht Bier kaufen gehen, ohne ihn auf mindestens einem Werbeplakart zu sehen und sein letztes Album im Supermarkt zu hören.
Mein Sohn it der neuste Rockstar!
Es gibt immer mehr Jungs mit langem Haar, die sich nach seinem Vorbild kleiden und weißbraune elektrische Gitarren sind besonders trendy geworden. Obwohl sie in der Band drei Leute sind, steht nur er auf der CD-Hülle mit diesem Lächeln meiner Frau.
Fernsehen habe ich schon aufgegeben; da ich die Nase von seinen alten Interviews und seinem letzten Kozert voll habe. Mir reicht es jetzt.
Wenn ich überhaupt vermutet hätte, dass sein Begräbnis so oft im Fernsehen laufen würde, hätte ich alle Kameras damals zerbrochen.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
si j'avais su t'aimer IV
mais j'en ai toujours peur.
je me pose toujours
si tu allais rester si je t'avais avoué comment je te voulais,
seulement pour moi;
si tu m'attends toujours.
si j'avais su, si j'avais su t'aimer. mais attends!
et toi? pourquoi tu ne l'as jamais essayé?
pourquoi tu ne m'as jamais en rendu sure
de ce que tu sentais?
pourquoi tu n'avais su m'aimer?
the famous 100 stars (attatchment)
امروز هر گوشه ی دنیا
گر با همیم و گر تنها
با هم همراه و هم پیمان
ره پیماییم سوی فردا
فردا صد ستاره روید
از آسمانها بریزد
فردا از قلب ظلمتها
نور گرمی بر می خیزد
Sunday, July 10, 2005
heaven's waiting
Oh my contradictions with earth!
Although I admit I have always admired the nature
This very splendid refreshness of every living object
I was supposed to be born to water and mountain
Though I found out it was trees and wind, on which I was really dependent
Being a unicorn with wounded wings who stares at the stars but yet
I keep dreaming of running on an endless road
I always wish upon cold frosty weather
While I was born and grown up in a relatively warm region
Maybe all these conflicts are simply due to the logic
That I do not belong to human world here
Although I admit I have always admired the nature
This very splendid refreshness of every living object
I was supposed to be born to water and mountain
Though I found out it was trees and wind, on which I was really dependent
Being a unicorn with wounded wings who stares at the stars but yet
I keep dreaming of running on an endless road
I always wish upon cold frosty weather
While I was born and grown up in a relatively warm region
Maybe all these conflicts are simply due to the logic
That I do not belong to human world here
Thursday, July 07, 2005
today at the Concert
I saw him.
He saw me.
I recognized him.
He recognized me immediately.
I was with a guy.
He was with a girl.
We both kept silent,
not a word,
not a smile,
only fearfull looks.
I just wonder what he was afraid of...
Friday, July 01, 2005
the famous 100 stars
Today, no matter where in the world,
But wait! It does,
it does matter that you're so far.
Wheather together or alone,
But first, tell me are we together or alone?
so far apart, but still with hearts beating as one?
Oathed together pacing the same path,
The cheerful day
followed by so many sad tears.
We step towards tomarrow,
I never clearly knew if it also
includes the repeted roads we hit
Tomarrow, there'll grow 100 star,
Will they hear our wishes from
other stars we wished upon?
And will descend from the sky,
Will they ever track our footsteps
we left on our path towards tomarrow?
Tomarrow, from the heart of darkness,
But it's a beating heart,
filled with warm blood anyway, isn't it?
There will rise upwarming light,
And will it reflect,
in the tears we cried?