
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

silberne Sterne

dies ist von einer Freundin:
Wir haben unsere Lieder zu den Sternen gesungen.
Unsere Stimmen waren unter dem Nachthimmel vereint.
In der Stunde waren wir in einer anderen Welt.
In einer Welt wo die Musik durch keine Autogeräusche gestört wird.
In einer Welt wo die Sterne nicht nur schimmern sondern glänzen.
In einer Welt ,die uns gehört.
Jedes Mal wenn ich zu den Sternen hinschaue, sind die Erinnerungen da,
die Momente des Zusammenseins.
Die schweben vor meinen Augen.
Deine Augen erinnern mich immer an Wildnis,
an Kind zu sein,
die erinnern mich an genießen, lieben und kämpfen.
Wenn jemand mich fragt, ob ich dir mein Herz gegeben habe,
werde ich antworten: Nein,
ich werde sagen, mein Herz ist meins geblieben
nur dass es von dir gezeichnet ist!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

in the pouring rain

If wishes were raindrops what kind of day would it be
The day we stood out in the pouring rain
Getting soaked up
A day filled with coffee and cheese
Filled with chocolate and water
With my flute playing for you only
With our never ending stories
The day we'd gain a second chance of living together
Forever and ever
The day we'd finally afford to
Give in to the desires of your heart no matter how dark
Our eyes would reunite
As the dark starry night sky spreads above us
And no one speaks of the night before
As the morning sun rises
No one shall have a clue of our whereabouts
And I will walk with you in shadow for eternity

Monday, February 06, 2006

a song instead of a kiss

first it was the joy
the endless joy of giving up to music
of not resisting
believing that music was washing away the lie
the dark, the ugly,
the pain and the fear
and so we did sing along
and the joy braught us more joy

and the great joy braught us together
and more people sang every year
we learnt
that the songs could be more
could be our story our life a part of us
a very living part of us
so the songs grew stronger
and they started to mount higher
and deeper in our hearts

and now
after all these years
our song seams to have only gained more power
it's more us than ever
more than any other story any other song
and you know i'll be there with you
no matter where you are
the moment you sing our song

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


well I won't admit to love and cherish you
but you are all I think of
when I get the chance to think