
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 years

Exactly 4 years since I started writing here. It has become kind of my virtual home along these 4 years, a safe place for all which goes on in my head and in my heart. Would like to thank all who have payed me a visit these four years, wanted to sing you all one of the songs I usually whisper or sing aloud, as some of you might already know my voice while singing, as some of you might have sung with me once...

Please, do have a seat! Please, make yourself at home! Would you like something to drink? Some new year cookies maybe?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rieche den Frühling!

Bunte, kleine Blumen auf dem Gras,
Frisches Grüne des Grases unter einem Baum,
Zwitschern der Vögeln auf den Zweigen der alten Baum,
Der hell grüne Mantel des Baums,
Zierliche, kleine Blätter auf jedem Gewächs,
und der Wind, der nicht mehr so kalt durch die Äste weht;

Alles, was mich nochmal zu einem kleinen Teil des gesamten Leben auf dieser Erde macht.
Lasst mich zu ihm!