
Like every other story teller, I just fail to ignore the call of untold stories, so I narrate...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Simple Being.

I am a very simple creature, I always feel cold, whenever I am tired or hungry. That is why I can not understand my cold skin lately, when I put myself to sleep in my lonely bed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Memories - Extract III

I could easily pretend like it all meant nothing at all. Keeping cool and indifferent is not that hard after all. You just need to tell yourself that it does not matter, you only have to say it pretty often and then one day you will not need to repeat it anymore. At the end of the day, you sit there, by the fire, staring at the flames, drinking your tea and the only thing real in your loneliness will be the sword. So as you see it is not really hard to see nothing but that sword, it is even easier to feel nothing but that sword of yours. During the day it is no effort to blend out every other sound except the clank of the very same sword. It can become a matter of survival at times, to fully acknowledge nothing except your own sword. But still the heart keeps playing its own games and it is not impossible for it to win over the mind. And when the heart wins, you remember. You can tell yourself that you do not care, you can tell yourself that they are mere fragments of your past, which is out of your reach now, still your heart makes you remember that you cared, that you were swinging your sword, perfectly aware of the pain inflicted, inflicted on them and on yourself, aware of the suffering.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Under the Lunar Spell

Did I forget the cries of the night? ...Because the enchantments of the moon were too strong for my will to resist? 
I surely did let it take me away, i just closed my eyes and gave in. You of all people should have known that I was never made to resist the moon, once the silvery light fell upon me. After all, you were the one going on about the essence I was born into, something about my element coming from the moon... that might say pretty much of me in the moonlight. You made it all sound so natural, so I guess you were probably expecting this to happen sooner or later.

What bothers me, is that I do not know weather or not I heard those cries rising up to the heavens in the moonlit night at all. I can not recall anything but the pure light filling up my insatiable eyes as well as my hungry heart. I watched the skies whirling around me and heard the winds chanting to the dancing flames, as I stood there enchanted, overwhelmed by a feeling of pure awe.

p.s. I might add something to this later

Thursday, September 02, 2010

My Words

A poet lives with his words,
He deforms and reforms all the worlds
and all the lives he touches;
I am no poet, I have never been.

Every night, at the simple sight of Moonlight
or even a cloudy Sky
All the words flee from my mind.
And in the morning,
at the sight of the first falling rays of dawn on earth,
clearing the night sky into a well locked vault,
the sunlight shines over the remaining words,
they turn to dust and fly away with the wind
blowing from south.

My words are mischievous children,
they never listen, never care, never do what is right.
They run away to distant plains,
where they can play and shout without any one watching over them. 
They step all over wild flowers and disturb the flow of peaceful streams.
They chase the highest jumping grasshopper and the most colorful butterfly.
And late in the evening,
when the games they play all day long exhaust them to the bones,
they come back just to fall asleep under my bed.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Strange Dream

It was on the beach, their eyes met accidentally. Even if it was just a split of a second, they both wondered what the other one was doing there and if the other was fine and happy. None of them looked back, none of them followed the other's movements. A bond is still a bond and one as strong can certainly not be broken easily. So some thoughts were shed, on both sides. Everything was so distant and vague, so much has changed in their worlds and the world had changes so much. 
It was the last second, before the underground doors closed, he stepped out and made his decision. It was all over long time ago, none of them had a place in the other's life anymore, it was fine, but there was something he simply had to do...
So he ran after the elder one, who was now getting inside another train, with the long - now - blond hair waving behind him. he manages to jump inside, before the doors closed. Still he was in another wagon and cold not reach the elder one. That was why he had to follow him out of the station and through the alleys. The elder finally stopped in front of a well guarded building and running up the hill to reach before he vanished behind the big green door, he managed to read the word 'Prison' written big and shiny on the top of the building. Was he a prisoner or a guard, or maybe there just for a visit, was not to be told from the way the elder was waiting at the opening door.
Out of breath he finally reached the gate , right before it closed behind him, "Dad!", he cried out loud to catch his attention. As the elder one turned back and looked at him, with a cold expression on his face and questions in his eyes and as the cold expression seemed to be vanishing, now that the elder recognized the young man standing on the other side, he found the strength so say it at last, "No more thinking, dad. Now I finally know I am a unicorn."
So the dark green gate finally closed on his last word. It was such impossible relief for him to know that his old man had heard it from his mouth. Now he could go back home, where people awaited him with a smile.
