homeless marguerites - Part 3
Regardless of his extreme fatigue – not to say disappointment – Bill had noticed that Annie and Julien had a new topic going on: “Fairy Tales”!
That they have been talking a lot about it, saying things no one could really understand was one thing, the way Julien seemed to be tortured by these conversations – although this was only to be seen from a certain distance – was another. Not being able to figure out why Julien both participated at the discussions and was sometimes giving some kind of a lecture and also feared them like this topic sucked his life out of him, was actually the point where Bill thought he was anxious enough to need to talk to Francisco about the matter. Both he and Francisco had never really had much to do with Julien. They both liked him in general, for he was pleasantly polite and never tried to find out more than he was told, yet he was a good company at occasions like a quiet dinner or a little Christmas party; he was always there and never in your way and he was trustworthy in work.
None of them knew really much more about Julien and this lack of knowledge included not only his past life but also he himself, the way he was.
Julien, on the other hand, knew very well why he was so uncomfortable by the discussions, this was not at all his topic, not at all matter of importance to him; it was all part of the guy’s world which had suddenly entered his life through Annie. Oh again Annie Anderson and all she brought with herself! Fairy tales were also a part of what was now past, a part of all about which he did not even want to come close to thinking. He knew Annie well enough to know how it was when something interested her; the guy had brought her to the idea and she was suddenly filled up with questions and opinions and discussions and estimations and potential theories, and for what Julien knew of Annie, any rejection to participate meant a greater deal of having to think about it, than simply participating and letting it go by. So for the sake of a little peace of mind, he rathered take it the less complicated way, even if it mean one step forward for the guy, Johann, or whatever he was.