It has always been of a blessing to me to be born almost in the middle of Autumn, for it has truly been the most joyous season for me. It is the only time of the year when I actually enjoy being exposed to sunlight, which is no more so sharply teasing. I feel reborn during the first rainfall (even should it have rained all summer long), hear the wind humming songs in my ears, jump among the fallen leaves and just can't help collecting: nuts, leaves, stones, branches or anything indicating the most magical season of 'Fall'.
Every year, at this time, I become a little child again (not that I prove of having come to age the rest of the year!), I can't stop staring at trees who suddenly look so irresistibly good, I jump into water holes filled by the generous rain, try to catch the wind in my hair, walk in the fallen leaves, always giving them a kick to watch them fall the few centimeters back to the ground, collect colorful leaves and go chasing chestnuts; no, I'll never get enough of them! Each new one will always be a temptation, regardless of a backpack full of them on my back. Every year, I do totally give in to the magic of fall, thoroughly enchanted every time.
So I had my first date with autumn yesterday, I went on autumn-chanting at 'neues Palais' again, until I fell asleep under one of its magnificent chestnut trees and just imagine my joy, as the first real autumn-rain fell today.
* I like using titles of songs and films, they always bring nice associations with them.
** This is a photo to love, for every single detail on it is something I dearly love, even the pants I am wearing are my favorites or the color of my hair is at its best variation or even the buttons on my beloved backpack...